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Demand for Food in Africa will Double by 2020 – World Bank

By on October 27, 2012

Roadside Food Market in Lagos

A World Bank report indicates that Africa is capable of growing enough food to feed the continent and averting future food crisis, if cross border restrictions are removed.

The report also states that, Africa could generate in excess of $20 billion yearly if African leaders agree to take apart trade barriers that hinder regional trade.

According to the report, which was released on the eve of an African Union (AU) ministerial summit on agriculture and trade in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the demand for food in Africa will double by 2020 as people more and more leave the rural areas and move to the continent’s cities.

The bank urges the continent to work on it’s inter trade relations so that food can move more freely between countries and from fertile areas to those where there are food shortages.

The report titled “Africa Can Help Feed Africa – Removing Barriers to Regional Trade in Food Staples,” the report said fast urbanisation would test the ability of farmers to transport their cereals and other foods to consumers when the closest trade market is in another country, across the border.

The continent is more or less depending on foreign imports to cater for its growing needs for food following farmer’ inability to expand their crop production because of high fertilizer and pesticide prices.

The World Bank Vice President for Africa, Makhtar Diop said, “Africa has the ability to grow and deliver good quality food to put on the dining tables of the continent’s families. However, this potential is not being realised because farmers face more trade barriers in getting their food to market than anywhere else in the world. Too often borders get in the way of getting food to homes and communities which are struggling with too little to eat.”

The report hopes that if African leaders can welcome dynamic inter regional trade, African farmers could rally together and meet the growing need for food and benefit from growth opportunities that will come with the decision.