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All posts by Ifreke Inyang

  • NSE uncovers 68 cases of unauthorised share sales

    The Nigerian Stock Exchange has in line with its zero-tolerance for market infractions imposed sanctions – from fines to suspension – on operators and other market participants. However, the report of the Exchange’s Disciplinary Committee for 2013,...

    • Posted September 30, 2014
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  • Report lists obstacles to mobile money growth

    A new report has identified bank-led structure, failure to leverage the growing subscriber base of the telecommunications industry and lack of clearly defined target market as major obstacles to the growth of mobile money services in the...

    • Posted September 30, 2014
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  • Ebola: Arik resumes flight operations to Gambia

    Managing Director, Arik Airline, Mr Chris Ndulue, says the company will resume flight operations to Banjul, The Gambia, on Oct. 1 after its suspension due to the Ebola outbreak. Ndulue told journalists on Monday at the Murtala...

    • Posted September 30, 2014
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  • Analysts raise GlaxoSmithKline’s expected TP to N76

    Following  the high-growth of juice and sports drinks markets, driven by health consciousness among Nigerians and a higher-status perception than lower-cost soft-drinks such as carbonates, analysts at Renaissance Capital have retained their BUY rating on GlaxoSmithKline Consumer...

    • Posted September 30, 2014
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  • NSE suspends 37 dealing members for operating without Compliance Officers

    In its resolve to stamp out sharp practices from the nation’s capital market, the Nigerian Stock Exchange has suspended 37 dealing member firms for operating without compliance officers. The suspension, which dated September 15, was conveyed in...

    • Posted September 29, 2014
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  • Ethiopian Airlines adjudged ‘Best Airline in Africa’

    Ethiopian Airlines has won the Passenger Choice Awards for “Best Airline in Africa” for the second time in a row at the APEX 2014 EXPO held last week in the Anaheim Convention Centre in California. The Passenger...

    • Posted September 29, 2014
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  • Insecurity slashes oil revenue by 53%

    The Federal Government recorded a shortfall of N580.6bn in oil revenue within the first quarter of the year, investigation has shown. Documents obtained from the Ministry of Finance put the actual net oil revenue that accrued into...

    • Posted September 29, 2014
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  • Customs recalls officers at APM terminals

    The Nigeria Customs Service is said to have recalled about five of its officials at the APM terminals at Apapa, Lagos. As a result of the development which was said to have occurred about two weeks ago,...

    • Posted September 29, 2014
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  • Emerging realities support CBN’s stance on MPR – Analysts

    Last week, financial analysts who x-rayed the outcome of the last Monetary Policy Committee meeting, argued, that the desire of the Nigerian business community for more accommodating interest rate policy may wait until all the inherent risks...

    • Posted September 29, 2014
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  • New International Money Transfer Initiative excites Forex users

    The introduction of the Outbound Money Transfer service by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)last month will not only reduce pressure from the foreign exchange market but will also save independent forex users from the hazzles associated...

    • Posted September 29, 2014
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