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Do you have an Opinion? – Contribute to BusinessNews Nigeria

By on August 25, 2011

If you care about accessing customers, reaching an audience, communicating your vision, influencing people in your industry, marketing your services or just plain engaging in a dialog with others in your industry.

If you have something insightful you would like to share with the thousands of readers who visit BusinessNews each month, we’d love to have you become a contributor.

BusinessNews  is currently looking for guest authors whether they be one off or regular contributors. While we can’t compensate you financially for your contribution, you will get some recognition and exposure. We’ll set you up with author bio, which will include links back to your website or blog in each post you write.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for  experts on one or more of the subjects we cover. They include professors, investors, venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, executives, attorneys, consultants, authors, professional service providers, journalists, technologists, and engineers. Contributors that will  provide thoughtful commentary on a range current topics that we cover, most of which are related to business, finance, and economics.

How does it work?

When you register on our site you also have an access to our publishing system where you can write post by clicking on Write a Posts and also  edit your posts  by clicking on  Dashboard on the top right section of the homepage.

How Do I Submit My Post?

  1. Use this form to submit your post or send your final draft, along with a brief bio to[email protected]
  2. Check your post before you submit it. Read it through carefully checking for spelling and grammar mistakes.
  3. First paragraph – Include a short bio about yourself.
  4. If you’d like to include images, zip your images and send to [email protected]
  5. As always, your work may be edited and tweaked before publication, but the substance of your post will remain the same.
  6. Not every post will be accepted, but you will be notified via email that it’s been published if it is accepted.
  7. You can also edit and update your posts  whenever you like by clicking on  Dashboard on the  top right on the top right section of the homepage