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NPA records 2.6% increment in cargo traffic in 3rd quarter

By on December 20, 2013

The Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) has recorded an increase of 2.6 percent in cargo throughput for the third quarter of 2013 representing a total  increase of over 500,000 containers  above the 2012 statistical data.

In a statement signed by the Assistant General Manager Public Affairs of the authority, Mr. Musa Illya, said that the cargo traffic for the year under review stood at  19,849,258 million metric tones as against the preceding year of  19,340,901 Million metric tonnes

Meanwhile, cargo throughput of 19,849,258 million metric tonnes of cargo was handled showing an increase 2.6% over the 2012 3rdquarter figure of 19,340,901 Million metric tonnes   excluding crude oil terminals.
This increase in cargo traffic has been attributed to the deepened Lagos port channel which is currently being handled by the Lagos Channel Management Company Limited.

The port channel according to the statement, is currently at 13.5 meters which has made it possible for bigger vessels to sail into the ports without itches.

The development Illya said has provided shipping companies with a high level of efficiency and economic space which has enhanced their turnover and turnaround time.

Generally, stakeholders and shipping companies have confirmed that the channel management and conservancy function of the Authority has continued to improve

Statistics  showede that the containerized   cargo throughput handled amounted to 3,559,453 million metric tonnes, “showing an increase of 12.3 per cent over the 2012  3rdquarter figure of 3,168,412million metric tonnes”.

The total Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) shipment handled in the period under review amounted to 4,859,453 million MT showing a decrease of 20 per cent from the 2012 3rdquarter figure of 5,828,281MT.

The Refined Petroleum shipment handled was 4,804,184MT showing a growth of 24 per cent over the 3rdquarter of 2012 figure of 3,869,923MT.

A total of 76,598 units of Vehicles were handled in the period under review showing an increase of 13 per cent over the same period of 2012 figure of 67,804 units.

Dry Bulk cargo handled at the Ports in the 3rdquarter of 2013 amounted to 2,585,902 MT”.
General Cargo handled at the ports in the 3rdquarter of 2013 amounted to 2,977,347MT indicating a decline of 16 per cent from the 2012 3rdquarter figure of 3,466,311MT.



