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Etisalat offers SMEs N20m grants

By on December 2, 2013

Etisalat Nigeria has launched “Easybusiness Millionaire Hunt,” a scheme for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) with a view to helping entrepreneurs realise their business ideas.

Director, Business Segment, Etisalat Nigeria, Mr. Lucas Dada, said that the Easybusiness Millionaire Hunt will go a long way to help young entrepreneurs who possess business ideas but lack the capital to pursue their dreams.

Dada said, “Easybusiness Millionaires Hunt is designed to reward Nigerian SMEs with the most viable business ideas with gift items such as business grants worth N20m, free training courses on entrepreneurial management and advisory services from the Enterprise Development Centre of the Pan Atlantic University, office equipment and smartphones to kick off their business in the right direction.”

He said that the initiative would prove beneficial to SME owners across the country, explaining, “although the top 10 winners with the best business ideas will be rewarded with N2 million each, there are also other prizes to be won which include free business trainings at the Enterprise Development Centre of the Pan Atlantic University for the top 50 winners, in addition to getting office equipment to help them start up their business and over 200 Smartphone’s to be won on a daily basis throughout the promo duration.”



