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Customs to Generate N150 billion Monthly, N1.8 trillion a Year

By on December 5, 2012

Customs Comptroller-General, Abudullai Dikko

The Comptroller General of the Nigerian Customs Service (NCS), Alhaji Dikko Abdullahi has promised that they are targeting monthly revenue N150 billion next year.

Dikko made the promise at the just-concluded Comptroller-General’s Annual Conference in Katsina, which had the Vice-President Namadi Sambo in attendance.

Currently the service generates N100 billion monthly, although before Dikko became the CG only N28 billion was generated monthly.

He disclosed that 2013 will not be a smooth ride for most Customs Area Comptrollers and their senior officers who are not capable of making their target.

According to a source that spoke in confidence, Dikko encouraged his officers and men of the service to boost revenue generation at their various stations, adding that they should imbibe the culture of transparency and integrity.

On the accusation that officers were not ready to take over from the service providers after the expiration of their contract this month, Dikko debunked saying that the Customs have the technical knowhow besides, fourteen of his officers are undergoing training in Canada so that the service would not face any problem after taking over, he said.

Continuing, he said the NCS is collaborating with some Customs administrations in countries such as South Africa, Turkey, and the United States for the promotion of reciprocal administrative support for the service.

He however, called on the National Assembly to review the Customs and Exercise Management Act (CEMA) Cap 45 based on the current difficulties they are facing.

He said, “The current level of the Customs Service modernisation requires an enabling legislation in line with present day realities and challenges. It is in this regard that we acknowledge the efforts of the members of the National Assembly to review the Customs and Excise Management Act (CEMA) CAP 45 Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.

“We salute them for their vision and courage, and appeal to all stakeholders to understand and support the efforts of the management to leave behind for posterity an enduring legacy.”