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Data to drive 22% of Telco Revenue in Africa by 2016

By on November 13, 2012


A recent survey published by research firm Informa Telecoms and Media reveal that the data services run by the mobile industry will bring about 22% of the Telecommunications revenue in Africa by 2016.


The Data services which includes a wide range of services from the Blackberry, Bundle Internet plans, Tablet sim card services amongst have become the major engaging and driving commercial activities for the Mobile Telecommunications services in Africa.


It has been remarkably noted that Africa has been on the steady rise of Information technology expansion and the passion, enthusiasm, and knowledge explosion which gives a lot o competition and market challenge to Telcos in the Continent.


The study reveals that mobile data growth is expected to power a number of revenue opportunities in the continent both in the immediate and longer term level.


Informa’s forecasts suggests  that annual mobile data revenues in Africa will reach $18.5 billion by 2016 22 percent, compared with the 12 percent in 2011. This means a lot has to be done in broadening the bandwidth levels in the continent.


Apart from the survey another analysis reveals that a large constraint on the ideal of connecting Africa. It is revealed that even the cheapest phone is still not affordable for many in the Continent.


With the intermittent and sometimes slow pace of the 3G and 4G services by Network technology and Telcos, the time has come for a more robust plan in developing a sustainable Public and Private Sector partnership venture across the continent to enhance broad-bandwidth services that will drive businesses in the continent.