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Minister seeks investment in science, technology

By on June 11, 2012

Minister of Science and Technology, Prof. Ita Ewa, has said that the ministry would continue to emphasise the need for investment in science and technology to drive the transformation agenda of President Goodluck Jonathan.

Delivering a keynote address at a three-day workshop in Abuja recently, Ewa said that the present administration had accorded the ministry the right to implement the transformation agenda in order to attain the vision 20:2020.

The minister said that technology driven and sustained by research was the key to the nation’s development.

“The numerous research and development results within our parastatal agencies and other relevant government agencies must be linked to the market.”

Ewa said that the workshop was not only important, but was also desirable at this stage of the nation’s quest for national economic transformation.

The minister also advised the participants to do justice to the presentations and come up with implementable packages in the communiqué for the speedy development of Nigeria.

Mrs. Rabi Jimeta, the permanent secretary, Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, said that the theme of the workshop addressed the indices of innovativeness in the country.

She said that in order to reap the full benefits of research and development results and innovations as well as inventions, they must be well packaged to attract the market.

“The higher the number of research and development product pushed to the market, the higher the industrial level of the county.”

Dr. Abdulaziz Altwaiji, the director-general, Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (ISESCO), said that the theme of the workshop would cover the up-to-date approaches on how to move the inventions to applicable process for the benefit of the end users.

Mr. Umar Bindir, the director-general of National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP), said that the three-day workshop was organised in recognition of the importance of appropriate packaging of research and development results.

He added that packaging the research and development results could play a big role in wealth creation and industrial and economic development in line with the transformation agenda of the present administration.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that NOTAP in partnership with ISESCO organised the workshop with the theme: “Packaging Research and Development Results and Inventions for the Market in Abuja.”