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Nigeria to Ship Six Cargoes of Bonny Light Crude in June

By on May 2, 2012

NigeriaAfrica’s largest oil producer, plans to ship six cargoes of benchmark Bonny Light crude in June after two lots for loading in May were deferred, according to a loading program obtained by Bloomberg News.

The schedule comprises three cargoes of 1 million barrels and three 950,000-barrel lots, the plan showed. Exports in May were reduced to six consignments totaling 5.7 million barrels after two shipments were delayed to June, according to a revised loading schedule.

The country will also export six cargoes totaling 162,000 barrels a day of Forcados crude, down from 190,452 barrels a day in May, a separate plan showed. Loadings of Okwori will be two 650,000-barrel cargoes in June, including one deferred from May, according to another schedule.

The West African nation will also export three EA cargoes and three Amenam shipments, the plans showed.

The schedules of Pennington and Akpo are still not available. Loading programs are monthly schedules of crude shipments compiled by field operators to allow buyers and sellers to plan their supply and trading activities.